
Final Account: Paul’s Letter to the Romans is unavailable, but you can change that!

Krister Stendahl offers a provocative and compelling reading of Paul’s letter to the Romans, the “final account” of the major themes of Paul’s theology. Among these are the conceptual underpinnings of Paul’s mission, the grand divine plan for the mending of creation, the redemption of Israel, the mystery of the inclusion of the Gentiles, and the relation of the “macro” to the “micro” in Paul’s...

Two problems bothered Paul theologically. What troubled him was not sin, nor his conscience, as I have tried to show in some of my earlier writings. And the problem was really not the law, either in the sense of Torah or in the sense of nomos. But two things did bother Paul theologically and existentially. The first problem was Paul himself. Knowing his importance as the apostle to the Gentiles, it troubled him no end that God did not see fit to keep him healthy and able to function
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